This is an old revision of the document!
Gentoo Live 32 to 64 migration as clean as possible:
This is my method - letting portage track every file and package except glibc and ld-linux.so.2 loader. System and all services can remain running. If this is done correctly only 2 reboots will be required.
- make sure system is completely up to date and has been depcleaned, preserved-rebuilt and revdep-rebuild - to clean up old 32bit libraries else lots of work later
- a full up to date backup of the system is a good idea and has saved me in the past.
- make sure you have an *identically* up to date 64bit multilib profile VM to create binary packages on. Ensure CFLAGS is going to be identical, or compatible (“-mtune=generic -O2 -pipe” is safe). Make sure USE flags are the same between the systems as this makes live easier when doing emerge -k binarypackage on the other side. If changes are required to CFLAGS then emerge -e world.
mkdir /migration-backup cp /etc/portage/make.conf /migration-backup/
- see previous versions of this page which built a cross compiler for compiling a 64bit kernel. This is not needed if building the kernel and initramfs on the 64bit VM.
- ON THE 64bit VM (which will build ia32 emulation by default):
genkernel all
- copy the resulting kernel, initramfs, system.map, and lib/modules/x.x directory over
- reboot test into the 64bit kernel
- Change CHOST to x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
- copy lib and /usr/lib and /bin and /usr/bin and /sbin and /usr/sbin to /migration-backup
- make /etc/env.d/99migration with LDPATH=/migration-backup/lib:/lib32:/lib64:/migration-backup/usr/lib:/usr/lib32:/usr/lib64
env-update source /etc/profile ldconfig
mkdir /lib32 mkdir /lib64 mkdir /usr/lib32 mkdir /usr/lib64
- If applicable, dont use distcc till its remerged:
rm -Rf /usr/lib/distcc
- back up these 32bit crossdev versions, they may be useful if something goes wrong (experience says it may!)
cp -ar /usr/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu /migration-backup/usr/ cp -ar /usr/include /migration-backup/usr
- put -sandbox -usersandbox in features
- add */* abi_x86_32 to package.use
- most 32bit doesnt get built on stable unless u do this:
# cat /etc/portage/profile/use.mask -abi_x86_32
- change make.profile symlink to point to a multilib amd64 profile
- on donor pc or VM:
quickpkg glibc gcc zlib ncurses gmp mpfr util-linux acl attr sandbox coreutils procps binutils libcap mpc cracklib flex =db-5* glib pam pambase =python-3.6* bash readline findutils install-xattr bzip2 tar xz-utils make grep patch gawk sed libpcre dev-libs/libffi gettext libxml2
- on source VM, scp -r /var/cache/binpkgs to target PC
- for this lib / lib64 link ↔ switcheroo
- * make sure busybox is functional. run this from busybox
- * have a few shells open, in case you break the one you're working from
mv /lib oldlib ln -s lib64 lib cd /usr mv lib to oldlib ln -s lib64 /lib
- this will get overwritten by emerge at the appropriate time, but lets the 32bit loader continue to work for now
cp migration-backup/lib/ld-linux.so.2 /lib ldconfig * /usr/lib symlink creation will break python. The following will not create orphans as the files are in exactly the same location from portage's point of view.
cd /usr/oldlib mv python-exec python3.6 libpython* portage gcc ../lib64 cp -r /oldlib/gentoo /lib
- disable collision detection and emerge gcc AND binutils using this method:
PATH="/migration-backup/bin:/migration-backup/usr/bin:/migration-backup/sbin:/migration-backup/usr/sbin:${PATH}" FEATURES="-collision-detect -protect-owned" emerge -1kav sys-devel/gcc
- check /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/ for any links pointing at i686 versions. remove.
- continue to deploy initial binary packages using this method (except with collision detection) donated from prebuilt VM from /usr/portage/packages or /var/cache/binpkgs. Of these, mpc, zlib, glibc needs to come first, then everything else will come good. In the process of deploying glibc, /lib needs to be a symlink to /lib64 which will break 32bit programs. see ld-linux.so.2 trick above. ldconfig is your friend here with the above 99migration env file.
- backup these: /etc/env.d/99glibc /etc/gai.conf /etc/host.conf /etc/locale.gen /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/rpc
- to get 64bit loader and glibc working, extract glibc tbz2 binary package directly into root of filesystem. subsequent remerge will track the files correctly later.
- restore etc files from above backup
- remove crossdev packages (and crossdev) and check gcc sanity
emerge --unmerge cross-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/* crossdev -av ldconfig
- fix 32bit toolchain and python in wrong directory by running:
PKGDIR=/var/cache/binpkgs emerge -1kav sys-devel/gcc mpfr mpc binutils gcc-config 1 binutils-config 1 . /etc/profile
Example final binary emerge. Note obvious package version changes required based on source VM:
PKGDIR=/var/cache/binpkgs USE="fix any differences" emerge -1kav =zlib-1.2.11-r2 =ncurses-6.2-r1 =gmp-6.2.0-r1 =util-linux-2.35.1-r2 =acl-2.2.53 =attr-2.4.48-r3 =sandbox-2.13 =coreutils-8.31-r1 =procps-3.3.15-r1 =libcap-2.26-r2 =cracklib-2.9.7 =flex-2.6.4-r1 =db-5.3.28-r2 =glib-2.62.6 =pam-1.3.1-r2 =pambase-20190402 =python-3.6.10-r2 =bash-5.0_p17 =readline-8.0_p4 =findutils-4.7.0 =install-xattr-0.5 =bzip2-1.0.6-r11 =tar-1.32 =xz-utils-5.2.4-r2 =make-4.2.1-r4 =grep-3.3-r1 =patch-2.7.6-r4 =gawk-5.0.1 =sed-4.7 =libpcre-8.43 =dev-libs/libffi-3.3-r1 =gettext-0.20.1 =libxml2-2.9.9-r3
Finally now that theres a working coreutils etc, binary glibc package can overwrite the manual tar version we extracted in a previous step.
PKGDIR=/var/cache/binpkgs emerge -1kav glibc
Double check /etc/nsswitch.conf and other files backed up above, this may have overwritten them again.
mv /migration-backup/lib/modules /lib64
- Emerging gcc needs to be done now, but also acts as a sanity check to see what we've missed. Repeat the quickpkg / emerge -1k steps for missing things
emerge gcc -1av
- leave /etc/env.d/99migration in place at least until libraries in /lib32 are populated
- @system rebuild - adjust USE as needed
FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox" USE="-X -gtk -qt5 -introspection -cairo -gpm -consolekit -policykit -net -ipv6 -spell -sqlite -nls -berkdb -gdbm -openssl" emerge -1eav @system
- work through any problems caused by emerge ordering above. If a dependancy problem proves too hard to solve, cheat by grabbing a binary package from the donor VM prepared earier. The subsequent @world emerge will take over the package later.
- /etc/env.d/99migration can now be removed. env-update, source /etc/profile, ldconfig
- remove -sandbox and -usersandbox from features
- check for i686 compiler orphans with: qfile -o /usr/bin/i686-pc-linux-gnu-*
emerge -eav –keep-going @world
- take note of failed, packages - these are usually caused by ordering/dependancy so a subsequent emerge run of the failed list will work. If not, work through the issues.
Things to do later
- uncomment LINGUAS from make.conf
- take out /etc/env.d/99migration
- remove /migration-backup
- erase /usr/portage/packages (whole dir)
- remove abi_x86_32 from package.use and profiles/use.mask, then emerge –newuse
- clean up /lib.old and /usr/lib.old
- check for orphans in /usr/lib and all the other places. (bin sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin). For finding orphan files after migration in /lib32, /usr/lib32, /usr/lib64
cd /lib32 ; find -xdev -type f -exec qfile -o {} + |less
64bit-migration.1611284497.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/22 11:01 by snarg