converting to bcache on bs04 using “blocks” util in a saucy chroot - this ultimately didnt work - see further below for actual procedure used.
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somewhat following: apt-get install debootstrap and schroot
sudo mkdir -p /var/chroot/saucy
sudo debootstrap –variant=buildd –arch amd64 saucy /var/chroot/saucy/
copy resolv.conf and bind mount proc and dev and sys
chroot in as root
inside chroot
added restricted universe multiverse to sources.list and apt-get update apt-get install vim apt-get install python3.3 python3-pip git libparted-dev libaugeas0 pkg-config libpython3.3-dev gcc apt-get install cryptsetup lvm2 liblzo2-dev nilfs-tools reiserfsprogs xfsprogs e2fsprogs btrfs-tools apt-get install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:g2p/storage apt-get update apt-get install wget apt-get install bcache-tools
pip-3.3 install –user -r <(wget -O-
#blocks will be at ~/.local/bin/blocks
BLOCKS didnt work with NTFS contained filesystem - (it needs to check filesys for space etc.. go figure)
Manual bcache conversion with lvm
lvdisplay -m >save.this.for.later.sanity.check make a 1 extent lv for the bcache superblock make-bcache -B -o 8192 /dev/sanvg/bcache-header lvchange -a n /dev/sanvg/bcache-header lvchange -a n /dev/sanvg/(target) vgcfgbackup -f old.lvm.backup sanvg cp old.lvm.backup new.lvm.backup # edit the new file, increase segment size of target, cut/paste the segment from bcache-header to the start of the target lv increment the segment header block numbers increment the logical start position of remaining segments vgcfgrestore -f new.lvm.backup sanvg #sanity check with lvdisplay -m, compare to prev